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Consistency and Conviction. The Journey To Self-Awareness and Alignment.

You do not need to convince anyone of the validity of something you believe in. Simply live your life according to your convictions, and the rest will take care of itself.

This is a powerful mindset to have, and it can be applied to all areas of your life, including business. When it comes to conversion rate optimisation (CRO), having a conviction can help you avoid wasting time on tactics that don't work and instead focus on strategies that will produce results. In this blog post, we'll discuss how we can align ourselves to a point of never needing to convince.

Congruency, Consistency, Alignment.

With conviction, you do not need to convince anyone else of its validity. One can simply live life in accordance with what one believes and let the rest take care of itself - this is congruency at work!

When we feel the need to convince someone of something, it is often because we do not believe in ourselves or our convictions.

If we truly believed what we saying and know it was right, there would be no reason for an argument or persuasion; this is congruency.

The more aligned we are, the more congruent we become and the less need to convince. A congruent person is a person who is aligned with their beliefs and values.

If something does not align, there will be discord within themselves causing them to feel uncomfortable or even conflicted about what they believe in because it doesn't match up with reality as seen through others' eyes (the external world).

How to align outside actions with the inner person that you know yourself to be.

There is no one right way to do this, but we can start by taking a closer look at what it is that we believe in and how those beliefs shape our actions. We need to become more conscious of the decisions we make and why we make them. As we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, it becomes easier for us to reflect that on the outside world.

- Meditate - this will help you connect with your innermost thoughts and feelings, which will give you a better understanding of what you truly believe in

- Journaling - writing down our thoughts can be helpful in getting clarity on what it is that we stand for

- Ask yourself questions like "What are my core values?"

The good thing is that the mind can be programmed and the body/actions can follow that program. The price for that is practice. The more we practice the more congruent we become. From within.

Action is what follows the program and we create a habit of congruency.

Our actions are usually driven by our inner thoughts and feelings.

True alignment is what happens when we connect the inner and the outer. The process can be referred to as the process of self-discovery and the outcome - self-alignment.

Conclusion: We all have convictions. They are the things we believe in, what makes us who we are. The problem is that sometimes we forget what our convictions are and get lost in the noise of life.

This can lead to a lack of self-awareness and alignment, which can be detrimental not only to our personal lives but also to our professional ones. If you find yourself struggling with this, remember that it's ok to let go of the need to convince anyone and just live your life on your own terms.

It’s up to you to find your convictions and live life on your own terms.

Conviction breeds self-awareness and alignment, which then leads to a more fulfilling existence. Be patient in your journey and let go of the need to convince anyone – including yourself – of anything. The most authentic and rewarding life is one lived with congruence. What area of your life do you need congruence?

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