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Be the Guardian of Your Dreams: A Tale of Dreams and Scepticism

Every dream is a delicate, fluttering creature, a butterfly of hopes and aspirations. Scepticism is a sly, stealthy fox prowling in the shadows, ready to snatch away these vibrant creatures.

It's an eternal battle - Dreams versus scepticism - a fight that can make or break us. But the question remains: Who gives scepticism the key to the garden of dreams? We do. "Scepticism is the thief of dreams." It's not just a saying; it's an ugly reality that can catch us unaware.

Take a kid as an example who dreams of becoming an astronaut, a superhero, or even a unicorn! But as you grew older, scepticism crept in, whispering words of doubt and fear. "It's impossible," just like that, for our dreams become distant memories, replaced by mundane things. 

But what if we could change the story? What if we could lock the doors and keep the doubt out? Of course, we can Be and stay dogmatic, especially when it seems impossible. Fight the dreary whispers of scepticism and hold on to your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem. Do you want to be an astronaut? Go for it! A unicorn? Why not?!

Remember, your dreams are worth fighting for. So,  next time scepticism comes prowling, be ready with your shield of determination and sword of belief. Your dreams deserve a guardian and you are that guardian!

What one thing do you wish you had pursued that is now in the distant past? Share with us in the comments section below.

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