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Pain Is Power: A Different Perspective

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

Pain is an unavoidable part of life, especially emotional pain. It is something that we all experience. For some, it is regularly and others occasionally.

It can be difficult to cope with the sensation and emotions that come along with pain. Physical or emotional. But what if there was a way to use your pain as power or go through it without suffering?

Suffering happens when we let pain be in control of us instead of us being in control.

This blog post will explore how you can turn your pain into strength and achieve more than you ever thought possible!

First things first, do not stay superficial. Do not stay on the surface or try to bury it hoping that it will go away and life will go on just fine.

Sure enough, it might disappear for a while but never goes away. It will either stay under wraps only to manifest itself in many other ways which we shall look at.

Understand that pain is an indication that parts of you that were forgotten about are triggered. They need your attention. This is why you should give them the attention that they need.

When you pay attention to the pain, you will be amazed at what you'll get to unleash. It is a powerful tool that can take us from point A to point B.

Imagine a bodybuilder who understands that for him/her to gain the muscles he wants, he must undergo the pain of training. He/she does it anyway because he understands that is a process.

Emotional pain can also be an indication of resistance but once you ripe through it and dissect it into small pieces, rearrange them, you will build a powerful inner strength.

Pain is a gift that can teach us more about ourselves and how we work than anything else could.

Take power away from it by dealing with it. This is a very powerful process not to be taken for granted.

Our pain can be a gift if we use it and not let it use us. It will take us on a journey we might not have taken had we stayed comfortable.

Enjoy The Process!

It is very important to understand that it is a process and treat it exactly that way. Enjoy the process if you can and if you cannot at least remember that it is a process.

Look forward to the end result and if possible ask your higher self to make the process shorter. Well, it will be shorter if/when lessons intended are learned.

Understand the inner dialogue, what it's saying to you, why it's taking so much - these are all important questions to ask yourself from time to time when dealing with pain. This will help you reduce its power.

It might be difficult at first but once you start to heal on the inner levels, everything will change on the outside too! You just have to take that first step! Tune into your inner voice and listen for guidance. We are all different so there is no one way of doing things or listening for inner voices which lead us in life.

Remember that running away only prolongs the process. The good news is that there are two sides to every aspect of our life. On the other side of pain is pleasure. Also, life would be boring if it didn't come with little puzzles packaged as challenges for us to unpack. They only become painful when we resist.

Conclusion: Pain can be a difficult emotion to deal with. It often causes fear, anger, and sadness in those who experience it. In order to overcome pain, you need to break it down into smaller parts so that you know what is causing the pain for each individual person. Once you have identified where the specific feelings of anxiety are coming from Share with us how you deal with such strong emotions like pain?

We would love to hear about how the right mindset has helped make a difference in reducing these negative emotions in others!

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